India Bike Week 2019 – GIVI debuts in INDIA

India Bike Week 2019 – GIVI debuts in INDIA

December 11, 2019 Off By The Editor

A hint of the “Made in Italy” on the Indian roads

The strong economic development of the Indian trade, which is changing the way the use of motorcycle and scoters is conceived by a large part of users, has brought the Italian brand to open a direct branch in New Delhi to start an important distribution network.

The commitment will be finalized next 6th and 7th of December at the India Bike week in GOA, where GIVI will introduce its products to the public.

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The latest signals have convinced the brand to directly face the imposing Indian trade for the two-wheels.
We are talking about an awareness that is rooted in the knowledge of different realities linked to this segment within the Asian continent, which has led to the ability to evaluate times and ways. In this case, to the fact that a certain group of users is looking for greater driving comfort and more performing vehicles, is added a technical evolution that begins to bind to safety, an improvement that even the Indian Government is favoring with the imposition of the use of certified helmets.

In addition to these assessments, there are the encouraging data of an immense circulating park – the largest in the world (22 million vehicles) – made up of 85% of models with a not exceeding cost of € 1,000 and for the remaining 15% of users who want higher displacements and trendy brands and models: a new way to experience the bike in line with GIVI mission, where passion dominates the pure use of the vehicle as transportation.

What about motorcycle houses?

Their interest in the Asian continent is almost palpable. Among Italians who produce here we remember PIAGGIO – super strong in the scooter segment – that in this Country exceeds 7 million units, with an average displacement of 125 cc.
But it is the Indian motorcycle industry itself that demonstrates great ferment to the world, with two numbers’ growth and better performances compared to other Asian markets. It is doing it with important percentages on the ownership of European brands and revitalizing its own, as with the historic Royal Enfield, widespread here also with displacements of 350 and 500 cc, which with the advent of models like the Himalayan is gaining a new worldwide image. Obviously there are also proposals for dedicated stands by GIVI. Another example is the Zeppelin: an advanced hybrid motorcycle concept presented at the latest edition of the Auto Expo in Delhi by TVS, BMW’s Indian partner.


Once the reasons have been clarified, the Italian GIVI, world leader in the production of accessories for motorcycles and scooters, is keen to let known that it introduces itself in this Country with a well-structured plurennial development plan, which will lead to trigger, through an Indian partner, the carpentry production (the fitting kit that will allow the use of the GIVI accessories on the motorbikes diffused in India) and the presence among the most important dealers through 3 distributors that will divide the Country in three macro areas.
An important logistics choice, to be framed within a much broader vision that began 25 years ago with the opening of GIVI Malaysia and then continued in Indonesia, China and Vietnam.

A path that, undoubtedly, has made the GIVI brand known to hundreds of thousands of users of two-wheels and, with it, the “made in Italy” quality used for multiple accessories for motorcycles and scooters, helmets and waterproof garments. Among the best-selling top cases, designed in Asia, the B32 Bold model stands out for sales.


2019 marked another important event: the 25th anniversary of GIVI Asia.
Founded in Malaysia in 1994 with the purpose of producing and distributing GIVI accessories, the company now manages over 20 distributor networks in Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand.
The current position of GIVI Asia in the segment of companies engaged in the production of components for the motorcycle sector is from the “front line”, witnessed by the number of awards received over the years by local authorities, independent organizations and media. The market position has consolidated by over 600 dealers in Malaysia alone and this result is complemented by the fundamental relationship with the industry, which has led us to collaborate with a good number of OEM manufacturers in the motorcycle segment.

The product development and supply to the markets of Southeast Asia and Asia in general are carried out in close collaboration with the other two production sites of the GIVI Group present on this continent: GIVI Indonesia and GIVI Vietnam.
To succeed in ASIA, the brand combines technology, Italian design and quality standards with knowledge of local uses, culture, weather conditions and often road conditions with particular attention to size, weight and obviously price range. The research and development department of GIVI Asia works closely with the main offices of the Italian headquarters, with which it shares the acquired knowledge and constantly verifies the needs of different markets.


From October 1st, the Indian staff of the New Delhi branch is fully operational, even though the official announcement is expected at the most important event for the motorcycle sector: the GOA INDIA BIKE WEEK, scheduled for December 6th and 7th, 2019.

Thousands of motorcyclists from all over India will participate at this impressive gathering, a clear sign that here the bike has reached a new status: it is more than a hobby. It is more than a passion. The IBW 2019 perfectly embodies it and with this edition it will have one more reason to appeal: the presence of the world leader of accessories production for motorcycles and scooters.


Passion, Italian design, strong technological aptitude and profound knowledge of materials: these are the ingredients of GIVI’s international success, a path that has transformed a small workshop in Brescia into a world reference point for motorcycle accessories.

The company we see today has more than 800 employees all over the world and can boast the same enterprising spirit of the day of its foundation.
GIVI’s history begins in 1978 thanks to the initiative of its founder, Giuseppe Visenzi. After a series of MotoGP rider seasons, which earned him third place in 1969 for the 350-class championship, Visenzi abandoned racing to become an entrepreneur.
Supported by a great passion and as much determination, Visenzi engages in the design and manufacture of motorcycle accessories and founds GIVI, which quickly established itself on the market until it became one of the most authoritative and innovative realities on the national and international motorcycling scene.
The brand’s mission is encapsulated in the commitment to design, manufacture and distribute quality products, able to elevate the equipment of the motorcycle and motorcyclist in terms of technological performance and safety. This commitment is made possible only thanks to the synergetic work of the GIVI team, which hinges on the values linked to the responsible product development.

Through the best technologies, GIVI wants to offer safety, emotion and involvement to those in the world who love the two wheels and, above all, see in them a lifestyle.

Currently, GIVI S.p.A. represents an organized world company able to control the world market with its distribution network: an indispensable competitive factor to strengthen the global brand role that has always been defined as the company’s primary strategic goal. The future of the brand is based on this vision every single day.
Research and innovation have always represented the best development potential for GIVI. In the main R&D center at the Italian headquarters, a staff works guided by a very precise design philosophy, which aims to restore the balance between concept and functionality, introducing advanced protection systems subordinated only to the centrality of the rider’s safety.

The lines start from the knowledge of the matter:

  • composite technofibres,
  • special technopolymers,
  • conceptually complex molds,
  • high precision molding machines
and processes have been representing this production reality for years, which pays the utmost attention to materials and quality controls.

Today the great technological capacity of GIVI translates into a super high-tech approach where preliminary studies on modeling allow direct verification of all possible construction variants.

Competence, determination and, above all, the great passion for motorcycling meet the most advanced applications of CAD systems, for total safety of the final product.