We Ride – A nationwide road safety campaign
January 28, 2020We Ride – A nationwide road safety campaign. This Saturday 1st February 2020, Cruise India (An IP of Azure 360) along with Maharashtra Road Safety Cell, WIAA (Western India Automotive Association) & SIAM (Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers) will kick start the nationwide campaign for road Safety awareness – WERIDE. The campaign focuses on bringing down road accidents fatalities by bringing awareness about rules, regulations & etiquettes of driving on road. A group of riders from Cruise India will travel across states like Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, UP, MP & New Delhi to visit schools, Shopping malls, streets & colleges to spread a word on road safety. These bikers along with city riders will also organise road safety rallies in Pune, Mumbai, Ahemdabad, Jaipur, Indore & New Delhi.
As per a report in Times of India one person dies every fourth minute in India. The victim represents the age group of 25-40 Years which is the most productive population of India. The reasons are many. There are reasons like poor infrastructure, rising population, inadequate resources & lack of policies mentioned by researchers in the past. However in all this the biggest concern is absence of road safety culture in India. Triple seat driving, phone talking, No Helmets etc. are the reasons that WE ourselves bring in and hence WERIDE campaign. The WERIDE campaign focuses in awakening the self within on the road safety.
As per ET recent report India Ranks no. 1 in the number of road accident deaths in India. Hence a campaign of this genre and scope
was anyways a need of the hour.
The campaign is supported by Shri Ravi Kulkarni, MD Cleveland Cyclewerks India. Talking about WERIDE Mr. Kulkarni says “We are in the business of Motorcycles Manufacturing, Pure American Motorcycles and soon to be totally make in India American Motorcycles. I feel proud when we make in India & export global but at the same time it disturbs me when we rank 1 in road fatalities across the globe. WERIDE is our first step towards making India safe for road commute”.
WERIDE is also supported by Nexus Malls, Rynox Protective gears, Buckaroo Shoes & various riding communities across the country. With WERIDE campaign Cruise India aims in reaching 10MN+ citizens of India.