Road Safety week 2023 in India – Self safety?

Road Safety week 2023 in India – Self safety?

January 14, 2023 0 By The Editor

Road Safety week 2023 in India – Self safety or road safety??

Road Safety week 2023 in India, just today or gone the week after? or Self safety? Losing life to an accident, may it be from the family or friend circle, is this the only solution to start driving safely on the roads? Last year more than 1,50,000 people have lost their lives in road accidents is what the data says.

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This is an eye opener for each one of us, as the one that looses lfe or becomes permanently disabled due to a mishap is a great loss to the family, especially if the victim of the accident is the earning member of the family or a young son or the daughter of the family, that would soon start being a financial support of the family.

Road Safety week 2023 in India

Road Safety week 2023 in India – Yes, we all start young

The younger generation now a days, needs a vehicle to travel even to the closest place of residence or work place. The age is such that they feel a thrill in speed. Rash driving with very high speed, driving without license, without proper driving gears, wrong side driving, more that permissible number of people riding on the vehicle, for example, 3 or more people riding on a two- wheeler and even riding without helmet.

Most critical two wheeler accidents happen due to negligence. We appeal to everyone travelling on the roads to be very careful and drive safely. It is not road safety but it is self safety.  


Road Safety week 2023 in India – Be a Good Samaritan, someday it could be you…

I would request each one reading this article that if you ever see any accident on your way, kindly stop and offer the best help that you can. The Golden hour is always the most important hour after any accident. The timely help can surely save a life and reduce the impact and severity of the accident.

So, if you are confident that you can offer the help, go ahead and do it else call the helpline – 108 for ambulance. Even the police helpline 100 can be of great help. The closest hospital may not be able to help incase of a complex accident so try to locate a multi -specialty hospital close by and help the victim to reach to the same.

In this process, you need to be sure that the police and road traffic department would never question the person helping in any such casualty. We appeal and request every driver on the road may it be a two wheeler, three wheeler, four wheeler or even heavy motor vehicle, we must adhere to the traffic rules and follow them as they are made for our safety.


Road Safety week 2023 in India – Road safety begins at school

Also every school and college should preach the necessity to follow the traffic rules and inculcate this in the minds of the children from their early childhood to follow the same. If the parents, teachers and elders of the family follow the rules it becomes a habit for the younger one’s to follow the same and is inculcated into them that it is a rule and also it  is mandatory, so the rules are to be followed and not broken. The children follow the footsteps of the elders and also follow what they see. They always believe their parents , teachers and the elders of the family.


Road safety begins with me – Road Safety week 2023 in India

“As a responsible citizen and also a member of the road safety committee, I have started my contribution to the society by visiting different schools and colleges to create awareness about preaching of the road safety rules and educating the students and the staff about why the road safety rules should be followed. We are initiating the Train the Teachers programs in colleges in association with the RTO to publicize the above.”

I have been riding on the streets of Pune since 1983, I have seen and witnessed all the infrastructural developments of the city. I got the inspiration of riding from my mother Anuradha Mirajkar, who was the first woman scooter rider in her college days and then I was the 1st lady motorcycle rider in Pune.

There have been regular changes in the systems of driving however the involvement of driving training schools has always been there, and they have the latest techniques of driving to offer to the students reaching out to them.


On a personal note – Road Safety week 2023 in India

Though being one of the initial driver and rider on the roads of Pune, I have seen a lot of road mishaps, have worked on 289 fatal road accidents and admitted these victims in different hospitals, started the treatment for them. I would not like to popularize the work for publicity however would definitely like to tell that it has always given me sense of satisfaction. It is so very necessary to help the victims at the right time, as it saves the lives of the victim and also minimizes the physical loss if the right treatment is got at the right time.

We as a team appeal to the people to be the followers of the rules!!!!!!!!


Road Safety week 2023 in India About the Author: SHUBHANGI YEOLE


A former national level hockey and softball player, SHUBHANGI U YEOLE has also represented Maharashtra at the state level too. Encouraged by her mother, she is the first female motorcyclist of the city. In the 80’s this feat was recognised by Hero Honda.

Not just limited to being at the helm as the VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE MASTERS ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION FOR PUNE DISTRICT IN 2019, she has received accolades at the work front too. In 2008 United Airlines bestowed her with Excellent Employee Award for her role in Crisis Management during the 2008 floods in Mumbai.

In the recent times she is the received the NATIONAL AWARD BY THE WOMEN’S PARLIAMENT IN DELHI ON 9TH MARCH 2022 FOR THE EXCELLENCE IN THE WORK ON THE ROAD ACCIDENT VICTIMS . Till date she has helped 287 fatal road accident victims and lined up the treatment procedure for them in various hospitals.



The Upshifters


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